Overview of Dolomites

  • 519 expert-authored, long-form task descriptions (see examples above)
  • Spanning 25 fields
  • Independent judgements of task validity and societal implications of using LMs as writing assistants for these tasks
  • 1,857 examples that instantiate the tasks in our collection with plausible inputs and outputs
  • Tasks are challenging and require domain expertise: browse and see for yourself!

Dolomites is a long-form benchmark for evaluating language models on realistic domain-specific writing tasks.

Experts in various fields routinely perform methodical writing tasks to plan, organize, and report their work. From a clinician writing a differential diagnosis for a patient, to a teacher writing a lesson plan for students, these tasks are pervasive, requiring to methodically generate structured long-form output for a given input. We develop a typology of methodical tasks structured in the form of a task objective, procedure, input, and output, and introduce DoLoMiTes, a novel benchmark with specifications for 519~such tasks elicited from hundreds of experts from across 25~fields. Our benchmark further contains specific instantiations of methodical tasks with concrete input and output examples (1,857 in total) which we obtain by collecting expert revisions of up to 10 model-generated examples of each task. We use these examples to evaluate contemporary language models highlighting that automating methodical tasks is a challenging long-form generation problem, as it requires performing complex inferences, while drawing upon the given context as well as domain knowledge.

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Dolomites: Domain-Specific Long-Form Methodical Tasks

If you find your work useful, please cite us:

  author = {Malaviya, Chaitanya and Agrawal, Priyanka and Ganchev, Kuzman and Srinivasan, Pranesh and Huot, Fantine and Berant, Jonathan and Yatskar, Mark and Das, Dipanjan and Lapata, Mirella and Alberti, Chris},
  title = {Dolomites: Domain-Specific Long-Form Methodical Tasks},
  booktitle = {arXiv},
  month = {May},
  year = {2024}


Dolomites is a joint effort between researchers at the University of Pennsylvania & Google DeepMind, along with a group of expert annotators who helped create the data.